Friday, July 22, 2011


In Buddhist practice the art of painting is regarded s one of the important constituents of the five great subjects of learning. According to Acharya Asanga, every practitioners of the Bodhisattva path should learn five subjects: Philosophy, Art, Grammar, Logic and Medicine. Furthermore, the discipline of Art has many branches, namely painting, sculpture, carving, engraving and so forth. Painting is said by Nagnajit to be the best of these arts. Buddhist painting may have begun in the lifetime of the historical Buddha. While some scholars maintain the view that it took shape a couple of centuries later, there are some textual materials, which suggest that, the painting of Buddhist themes began during the Buddha's lifetime. But according to some other scholars, after a couple of centuries later of Buddha's death, when people have started to go to pilgrimage, they need to carry a statue along with them for Puja which was very uncomfortable because of it's weight. So they have started to paint Buddha and other deities figure on cotton canvas, which became more convenient for them in comparing to carry one metal statue. These days Thanka paintings are very essential for every Buddhist family as well to every practitioners of Buddhism. Every Buddhist family keeps one painting of Buddha or other deity at home and prays on it. Monks use it for their practice and also for meditation. There are also many Thanka paintings hanged on the walls of every monastery.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Nepalese/Tibetan Thanka Art

Thangka Paintings are getting its popularity because of buddha teachings as well Tibetan & Nepalese devotion for arts itself. Thangka is an art of the Buddhist monk other else nothing but, the Buddhist scholar of higher intellectuality revere it with entire homage considering mystic power of lamaistic deities, in accordance with the religious culture, the thangka to be kept at the worship room sanctifies with holy water muttering mantras. To enliven thangkas mist ice power and putskhada,(a two feet long silk cloth) on it. Thangkas as on object of decoration in a sense but is spritual importance is more. By worship of tara (dolma) goddess results lucrative for the business and as well as the (wrathful ditty) dharmapala protect from the hazardous, calamity, subduing enemies. Averting accident and fulfilling ones desire in believed with empty heart, In conclusion ,the 14 th dalai lama has been preaching about kalachakra over the world for decade and the importance, significance and the utility. Ever since the Buddhism rooted in Tibet, The tradition of depicting thangkas might have been prevalent around in the area where Buddhism spread. Buddhist scholar of higher intellectuality revere it with entire homage considering mystic power of lamaistic deities, in accordance with the religious culture, the thangka to be kept at the worship room sanctifies with holy water muttering mantras.

About Thanka Art

Thangka Painting is a traditional art that evolved between the 7th and 12th centuries in Nepal and Tibet. Painted on canvas and mounted in silk brocade, a thangka is more than just a work of art. It is an object of devotion, an aid to spiritual practice, and a source of blessings. Thangka painting is strictly governed by iconographic rules. From the canvas preparation and drawing of the subject, through to mixing and applying colors, decorating with gold, and mounting the finished work in brocade, the creation of a thangka painting involves skill and care at each stage and illustrates particular details.

Thangkas are believed to create positive influences in their surroundings. Its brilliant colors and forms awaken the mind and energize consciousness; its images stimulate capacities for visualization and nourish the heart. It is said that just the act of looking at a thangka is in itself a good deed. By meditating on such objects, one can train and gain an understanding of certain types of awareness that the specific image portrays. Another reason for commissioning a thangka painting may be to bring about good health, prosperity or long life.

Thanka Art/ Paubha

Thanka are religious paintings that used to be worshiped as icons in Nepalese and Tibetan culture. It is believed that Thanka painting has been started in 11th century A.D.
Thanka Painting also known as Paubha are of various types.
First is illustrative paintings of god and goddesses like Tara (white, red, green, blue or yellow), Mahakala, Bajrayogini, Lord Buddha, Tsongkhapa, Milarepa, Karmapa, Padmasambhava, Manjushri and many more.
Second is Wheel of life that detailed representation of basic Buddhist belif i.e. the transmigratory exsistance, it explains in a most lucid manner the theory of rebirth. The wheel is held in the embrace of Shenje (ruler of the Dead) showing that all beings must eventually meet Death. The wheel is divided into axle, spokes and rim.
Third is Mandala (Literally mean a Circle) is a Tantric meditations device. It is a visual aid for concentration and introversive meditation leading to the attainment of insight and to activation of forces culminating in "Siddi" supernatural forces. The Mandala is the graphic representation of this process.
All these Thankas are painted on silk or cotton fabrics using brilliant colors of many hues. Thankas have developed in the northern Himalayan region among Lamas. Besides Lamas, Gurung and Tamang communities are also painting Thankas. But these days other communities also started Thanka Painting.
Importance of Thanka
Most of the Thanka viewer simply think that Thanka is an art of Buddhist monk other else nothing. But, the Buddhist scholar of higher intellectuality revere it with entire homage considering mystic power of Lamaistic deities. In accordance with the religious culture, the Thanka to be kept at the worship room sanctifies with holy water muttering mantras to enliven Thankas mystics power and puts khada (a two feet long cloth) on it. Since then the devotee use to bow his/her head before it at the time of worship specially in the morning time.
Almost people never consider the Thanka as an object of decoration. By worship of Tara (Dolma) goddess results lucrative for the business and as well as the (wrathful deity) Dharmapala protect from the hazardous, calamity, subduing enemies, averting accident and fulfilling ones desire in believed with empty heart.